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Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A is one of the two parts that make up Original Medicare. Original Medicare is a health insurance program provided by the government of the United States to senior citizens (aged 65 and above) and under-65 people with disabilities and other specified health conditions.


Part A is also known as "hospital insurance", and with it, enrollees can use any doctor, healthcare provider, hospital, or healthcare facility that accepts Medicare payment.

Inpatient Care In A Hospital Setting

Medicare Part A provides coverage for the following inpatient healthcare services:

  • Inpatient care in a hospital setting

  • Skilled nursing facility (SNF) care

  • Hospice care

  • Home health care

  • Nursing home care

Inpatient Care In A Hospital Setting

Inpatient care refers to the care received when you are admitted to a hospital or healthcare facility by a physician.


As an inpatient admitted to a hospital or healthcare facility, Part A covers:

  • General nursing care

  • Intensive care

  • Semi-private room within the hospital

  • Meals

  • Some drugs and medical supplies


These services are covered for up to 90 days in a general hospital for each benefit period in a general hospital (A Benefit Period is 60 days). You also get covered for 60 lifetime reserve days. If you are admitted into a psychiatric hospital that accepts Medicare, Medicare covers up to 190 lifetime days.

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Care

Medicare Part A covers SNF care if you have been a hospital inpatient for at least three days in a row and within 30 days of admission to the skilled nursing facility (SNF). You must also need skilled nursing care or therapy services.


If you meet the requirements, Medicare covers the following under SNF care:

  • Room and board

  • Wound care

  • Tube feeding

  • Administration of medications

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Home Health Care

If you need skilled healthcare in your home, Medicare Part A covers the following services:

  • Physical therapy and other rehabilitation services

  • Certain medical supplies, such as wound dressings that are necessary for the patient's care 

  • Skilled healthcare


To qualify for Medicare-covered home health care, you must have been an inpatient in a hospital for at least three days in a row within 14 days of receiving home health care. If you are eligible, you are covered for up to 100 days of daily care or an unlimited amount of intermittent care.

Hospice Care

Hospice care is for people who are certified terminally ill by their physicians. 


When enrolled in Medicare Part A, the following services get covered under hospice care:

  • General nursing care

  • Some medications that help manage symptoms and relieve pain in people with a terminal sickness.

Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid

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What are the gaps in Medicare Part A?

Medicare Part A does not cover the following healthcare services:

  • Cosmetic procedures

  • Private nursing care

  • Private rooms except they are required for medical reasons

  • Personal care supplies (Like socks or slippers)

  • Televisions or telephones in the room

  • Long-term care in nursing homes or assisted living facilities

  • Most dental care, including dentures

What Are Medicare Part A Costs?

Most eligible beneficiaries of Medicare do not pay a monthly premium for Medicare Part A. This is also referred to as “premium-free part A." 


You qualify for a premium-free Part A if you are 65 and:

  • You or your spouse have paid Medicare taxes while working for at least ten years (40 quarters).

  • Receive (or are eligible to receive) retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board 


If you're under 65, you can get premium-free Part A if you:

  • Have end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

  • Are eligible for (and have received) disability benefits from Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board for at least 24 months (2 years)

  • Have family relationship coverage, when a person's parent or a spouse paid Medicare taxes for a certain period


If you do not qualify for premium-free Part A, you can buy Part A. If you buy Part A, your premium depends on how long you or your spouse has worked and paid Medicare taxes.

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Deductible and Coinsurance

Even though a service may be considered “covered” under part A, it does not mean you don’t have to pay anything out of pocket. In Medicare, the benefit period is how Medicare measures and pays for inpatient hospital and skilled nursing facility (SNF) services. A benefit period begins the day you are admitted into a hospital or SNF and ends when you have been out for 60 days in a row.


So in Medicare Part A, you pay a deductible for each benefit period. You also pay a copay if you have stayed in a hospital or skilled nursing facility for more than 60 days. However, you do not pay deductibles or co-payments for home health or hospice care.

In 2023 the Medicare Part A deductible is $1600 per benefit period. For days 61-90 the daily hospital copay is $400 per day. Medicare does allow for up to 60 lifetime reserve days at a cost of $800 per day in 2023.

These costs can add up quickly which is why most people consider enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan or adding a Medigap plan to help mitigate the financial risks associated with Original Medicare.

Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid

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We Are Here To Help You. Contact Us!

As an unbiased broker, we at “Your Local Medicare Help” assist our clients by figuring out what plans their doctor takes and helping the client find the most competitive plans, and they never pay us anything. With so many options available, Medicare can be confusing. Whether you are looking for someone to come and sit down with you at your kitchen table, meet at our local office or discuss your options over the phone, we are here to help.


No matter the environment, we have the resources and technology to make enrollment in Medicare plans accurate and simple.  Our personalized expert guidance is FREE of charge so that you can save time and money! And even better, when you take care of your Medicare plan enrollment with us, we make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad, which is pioneering the fight against Human Sex Trafficking. Read More HERE

Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid! 

Medicare is complicated and making the wrong decision can be costly. We have put together a FREE resource guide covering the Top 5 Medicare mistakes and how to avoid them. Here is what you will learn in this educational resource: 


  • Proven Steps to Achieve Medicare Success

  • How To Avoid Costly Mistakes & Lifetime Penalties

  • Discover What Insurance Companies Aren't Telling You

  • And More…


Don’t leave your health coverage in retirement to chance. Download this FREE resource today!"

Our personalized expert guidance is FREE of charge so that you can save time and money! And even better, when you take care of your Medicare plan enrollment with us, we make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad, which is pioneering the fight against Human Sex Trafficking.

The Your Local Medicare

Help Save the Children Fund

For every person we help enroll into a Medicare plan we donate to this fund.


Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid Common Pitfalls People Make

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Welcome to Your Local Medicare Help, where we specialize in making Medicare easy to understand and tailored to your needs. Our mission is to provide FREE experienced guidance to all Medicare beneficiaries, ensuring you find the best plan for your unique situation while also helping you access valuable federal and state programs that could save you money and enhance your coverage.

Medicare can be confusing, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our dedicated team takes the time to understand your healthcare needs, budget, and preferences. We’ll help you explore your options, including Medicare Supplement Insurance and prescription drug coverage, so you can confidently make informed decisions.

Whether you’re turning 65 or already enrolled and looking to review your plan, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Contact Your Local Medicare Help today for personalized support—at no cost to you! Let us simplify Medicare so you can focus on your health and well-being.

Visit or Contact Us Today:

Your Local Medicare Help
700 S Main St, Suite 111
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: (877) 438-9564

Office Hours:
Monday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Thursday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM
Sunday: Closed

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*Your Local Medicare Help is an independent insurance brokerage that connects individuals with insurance providers. Your Local Medicare Help is delivering an educational presentation only. Products and services are provided exclusively by the providers. Descriptions are for informational purposes only and subject to change. Insurance plans may not be available in all states. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we offer 8 Organizations offering 95 plans. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. You can always contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for help with plan choices.” For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings call 1-877-438-9564. By submitting your phone number, you are giving Your Local Medicare Help permission to communicate with you via live telephone and automatically-sent text message. We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program.

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