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Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNP)

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, is an alternative way to get Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). It can be a cost-effective and potential money saving option because it has out-of-pocket limits on costs associated with your covered services. Once you reach the limit, you pay nothing for the rest of the year.


Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Part C is offered by private insurance companies. Federal government rules and regulations, however, regulate these private companies.

Medicare Advantage offers five types of plans. These include:

  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans

  • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans

  • Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plans

  • Special Needs Plans (SNPs)

  • Medicare savings account (MSA) plans


In this article, we will be discussing Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs), a sub-type of Special Needs Plans (SNPs), who its beneficiaries are, how to be eligible, what it covers, and more.

Special Needs Plans (SNP) Plans

Special Needs Plans are a type of Medicare Advantage plan. Special Needs Plans will either have an HMO network or a PPO Network. The HMO plans typically have lower costs for healthcare services but are usually more restrictive about where you can actually go to receive that care. PPO SNP plans will generally allow you more freedom to see healthcare providers that are outside of the plans network. However, you will usually have higher out of pocket costs when seeking care from a provider who is not in the plans network. 

Special Needs Plans are created to help specific individuals in different subsets of the population. Eligible people usually meet specific health criteria, such as having certain chronic and disabling health conditions or qualifying for Medicare and Medicaid. These criteria form the two most common types of SNPs. They are Chronic and Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs).

Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs)

Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs) are Special Needs Plans (SNPs) specially designed for eligible individuals with specific severe or disabling chronic health conditions. Each plan sponsor will have their own specific qualifying health conditions to be eligible to enroll. At the time of enrollment, your physician will be asked to fill out a chronic condition verification form. 

This type of SNP usually has a network including hospitals, pharmacies, physicians, specialists, and other health professionals who specialize in treating chronic diseases or conditions that affect their members. C-SNP plans are not available in all areas. Plan availability varies based on the county that you live in.

Am I Eligible For Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP)?

Eligibility for Medicare Advantage is the same as Original Medicare. You must be aged 65 and older or have a qualifying disability if you are under 65. However, you must also have one or more of the CMS-approved chronic conditions to qualify for a Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP). You also must have a C-SNP plan available in the county you live in.

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Qualifying Chronic Conditions Under C-SNPs

There are 15 SNP-specific chronic conditions. They include: 

  1. Chronic alcohol and other drug dependence

  2. Autoimmune disorders limited to the following:

  • Polyarteritis nodosa

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica

  • Polymyositis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

  1. Cancer, excluding pre-cancer conditions or in-situ mass

  2. Cardiovascular disorders limited to:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias

  • Coronary artery disease

  • Peripheral vascular disease

  • Chronic venous thromboembolic disorder

  1. Chronic heart failure

  2. Dementia

  3. Diabetes mellitus

  4. End-stage liver disease

  5. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis

  6. Severe hematologic disorders limited to:

  • Aplastic anemia

  • Hemophilia

  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura

  • Myelodysplastic syndrome

  • Sickle-cell disease (excluding sickle-cell trait)


  2. Chronic lung disorders limited to:

  • Asthma

  • Chronic bronchitis

  • Emphysema

  • Pulmonary fibrosis

  • Pulmonary hypertension

  1. Chronic and disabling mental health conditions limited to:

  • Bipolar disorders

  • Major depressive disorders

  • Paranoid disorder

  • Schizophrenia

  • Schizoaffective disorder

  1. Neurologic disorders limited to:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

  • Epilepsy

  • Extensive paralysis (i.e., hemiplegia, quadriplegia, paraplegia, monoplegia)

  • Huntington’s disease

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Polyneuropathy

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Stroke-related neurologic deficit

  1. Stroke

The Chronic health conditions that we see most commonly used as qualifiers for specific C-SNP plans are: 


  1. Chronic Lung Disorders like COPD

  2. Diabetes Mellitus

  3. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and other Cardiovascular Diseases 

Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid Common Pitfalls People Make

What Do Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs) Cover?

Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs) offer the same coverage as Medicare Part A (Inpatient/hospital services) and Part B (outpatient/medical services). They also may provide supplemental coverage for specific items and services, including:

  • Prescription drug coverage (All SNP plans must cover prescription drugs)

  • Routine Vision care, including glasses and contacts

  • Routine dental care, including x-rays, exams, and dentures

  • Hearing care, including testing and hearing aids

  • Wellness programs and gym memberships

  • Medical Transportation

  • Non-medical services including meal delivery, home air cleaners, and home modifications.


To enjoy the highest coverage and benefits from SNPs, you must receive non-emergency care from in-network providers. Some SNPs cover services from providers out of network, while some do not and may affect your costs. All SNPs must provide drug coverage.

When Can I Enroll In A Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP)?

You can enroll in a Medicare Advantage Chronic Special Needs Plan (C-SNP) during one of these periods. Keep in mind that you also must have a qualifying chronic condition that meets the eligibility requirements of an available C-SNP plan. 

Initial Enrollment Period

For people new to Medicare for the first time, you can choose a Medicare Advantage C-SNP during the Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). 

The initial enrollment period refers to the 7-month window you have to enroll in Medicare when you turn 65. This 7-month period includes the three months before the month you turn 65, your birth month, and three months after the month you turn 65.

Medicare Open Enrollment Period

The Medicare Open Enrollment Period is also known as the Annual Election Period (AEP) and runs from October 15th through December 7th every year.

If you’re already enrolled in Original Medicare, you can change to a Medicare Advantage C-SNP or switch from one C-SNP to another during the Medicare Open Enrollment Period. All changes you make during this period will go into effect on January 1st of the following year.

Special Enrollment Period

This enrollment period only happens when there is a qualifying situation or event for it. Some of these situations include:

  • Being diagnosed with a severe or disabling condition

  • Moving into, currently living in, or leaving a nursing home

  • Moving outside of your Special Needs Plan’s service area

  • Your Special Needs Plan leaving the Medicare program


During the Special Enrollment Period (SEP), you can enroll in a C-SNP, switch from one C-SNP to another, or revert to Original Medicare.

Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid! 

Medicare is complicated and making the wrong decision can be costly. We have put together a FREE resource guide covering the Top 5 Medicare mistakes and how to avoid them. Here is what you will learn in this educational resource: 


  • Proven Steps to Achieve Medicare Success

  • How To Avoid Costly Mistakes & Lifetime Penalties

  • Discover What Insurance Companies Aren't Telling You

  • And More…


Don’t leave your health coverage in retirement to chance. Download this FREE resource today!"

Our personalized expert guidance is FREE of charge so that you can save time and money! And even better, when you take care of your Medicare plan enrollment with us, we make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad, which is pioneering the fight against Human Sex Trafficking.

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Help Save the Children Fund

For every person we help enroll into a Medicare plan we donate to this fund.


Top 5 Medicare Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid Common Pitfalls People Make

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Welcome to Your Local Medicare Help, where we specialize in making Medicare easy to understand and tailored to your needs. Our mission is to provide FREE experienced guidance to all Medicare beneficiaries, ensuring you find the best plan for your unique situation while also helping you access valuable federal and state programs that could save you money and enhance your coverage.

Medicare can be confusing, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our dedicated team takes the time to understand your healthcare needs, budget, and preferences. We’ll help you explore your options, including Medicare Supplement Insurance and prescription drug coverage, so you can confidently make informed decisions.

Whether you’re turning 65 or already enrolled and looking to review your plan, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Contact Your Local Medicare Help today for personalized support—at no cost to you! Let us simplify Medicare so you can focus on your health and well-being.

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700 S Main St, Suite 111
Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: (877) 438-9564

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Thursday: 9 AM – 5 PM
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*Your Local Medicare Help is an independent insurance brokerage that connects individuals with insurance providers. Your Local Medicare Help is delivering an educational presentation only. Products and services are provided exclusively by the providers. Descriptions are for informational purposes only and subject to change. Insurance plans may not be available in all states. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we offer 8 Organizations offering 95 plans. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. You can always contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for help with plan choices.” For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings call 1-877-438-9564. By submitting your phone number, you are giving Your Local Medicare Help permission to communicate with you via live telephone and automatically-sent text message. We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program.

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